Sunday, 20 May 2012

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

Rising water levels in the rivers and lakes and strong winds have been the main themes of nature this week. The snow on the high peaks is melting fast now and some flood warnings were issued last week which, fortunately, did not materialise. But, low lying areas are not yet 'out of the water' because the melt water flow is predicted to reach its zenith in the first week of June. The clouds are also starting to change and the low, dull stratas of winter are starting to give way to massive cumulus cells that bring thunderstorms and 'rough winds that do shake the darling buds of May'.

Robyn has chosen the site for her nest well for keeping protected from the gusts of wind and she sits contentedly in her nest as we work around her. She gets a little nervous when visitors that, she is unaccustomed to seeing and hearing, appear and she leaves her nest and flies around in an attempt to draw them away. I am still a little concerned that the work around her will eventually have a terminal effect on her family when it arrives. I will do all that I can to protect her and her family but I can't stop work altogether and at some stage it is going to get uncomfortably (for her and us) close to the nest.

I was standing on the upper floor on Monday, contemplating how to divide up the bonus room above the garage into bedrooms and living area, when a humming bird suddenly appeared and hovered not more that a foot away from my face. I was startled at first, not realising what it was. Initially, I thought that it was a large moth or other flying insect and waved it off. Recognising it for what it was as it flew away, I realised it was time to get out the humming bird feeder that was thoughtfully given to me by Jeanette at Christmas. Literally, less than a minute after putting it up, outside one of the bonus room windows, the first humming bird was there feeding from it.

The feeder with liquid feed in place. For those not in the know, the feed is just sugar and water with a red dye which, seems to  have little trouble in attracting the birds.

I wish I had a decent camera because I could have spent all day photographing these fascinating, colourful and seemingly playful little creatures, who effortlessly draw the glance and hold it. Sometimes five or six will swarm in, dancing the dance around the May poles that are my rafters, beams and posts, oblivious to my presence, in what is either a mating ritual, a fight over females, or, just horse play. Their speed and many splendid colours dazzle the eye and raise a cherishing smile that acknowledges their innocent presence. They have been an unexpected pleasure to living here.
It was moment moreover, I thought, to put up this little wreath, that was also given to me for Christmas, this time by Elizabeth. In Northern Europe this is a tradition that is supposed to bring good luck to new houses and their occupants. As the custom predates Christianity by a few thousand years, I trust the pagan gods of the North will now gaze down benevolently upon this humble abode.
And so to the work, which has continued steadily with interruption only to fetch materials. Kevin brought over from Lethbridge the tele-posts for supporting the ceiling in the garage. These were put in place on Monday and, on Tuesday I did the planning, estimating and purchasing of the materials for putting up the internal dividing walls in the bonus room above the garage. From here onwards the bonus room will be referred to as the Annex. I was intending to leave this area until last but, after some deliberation, I have decided to complete the Annex first and move into it while I finish the rest of the house. Looking forward to its eventual use a rentable maisonette to the main house, it will need bedrooms and a living space which will include a galley kitchen. (The bathroom for the Annex will be in the main house area and I will be able to isolate it from the main house when required). There were really only two options for the bedrooms, either on the west side of the room or at the north end. I won't bother you with all the details of the considerations but I have decided to put them at the north end and I spent most of the rest of the week putting up the walls.

The tele-posts were quick and simple to put in place. This one will be enclosed in the wall that will divide the main house from the garage and …

 … the other, in the centre of the garage, will be boxed in.

Wednesday, I put up the central wall between the two bedrooms. Fortunately, Ron came along at just the right time to help me lift the structure, which I had constructed on the floor, in place. Without him it would undoubtedly have been very difficult and I suspect there may have been a few casualties. On Thursday, I put up the first bulkhead wall (on the left above) and on Friday, as it was forecast to rain, I did the planning and purchasing for the second bathroom in the main house area, which will be the one shared with the Annex.
On Saturday I got on with the second bulkhead wall (right above) with visions of being able to start the bathroom walls as well. However, I didn't count on the long weekend holiday, which brought countless visitors (all my neighbours at the development) who wanted to see how things were going. If they had all come at the same time it would have been quite efficient but, needless to say, they drifted in at different times. Where's the Visits Officer? I didn't begrudge any of them their sojourn and shamelessly showed off what had been accomplished since their last visit but, I did lose nearly four hours, all told, from the working day. If the truth be know however, I was pleased by the interest shown and their polite words of encouragement and delight. I am content to remain ignorant of what they really thought.
This is the stud wall that I promised to show you last week, which separates the master bedroom from its en suite bathroom.

Here too the timber for the second bathroom, that will be on the other side of the wall dividing the Annex from the main house.

On Friday afternoon I spent a few hours in the workshop working on spindles for the deck railings, etc. We have made approximately 500 so far and next week Kevin, Tex and I will go out into the forest with my new Salvage licence to collect more wood for spindles and railings.

This work will continue as background concurrent activity until the SIPs for the roof are ready to be collected from the production facility (factory) in the US.

The "Sorry" valley is still lying where it fell. Unfortunately, the Indians don't have another one and so we are going to have to either use this one and patch it, where the mistake was made, or, try to source another one from elsewhere. 
In preparation for putting the decking in place, I want to put a flexible parging material on the basement Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs). To that end I shall be buying the parging material as well as the external and internal wood stains for the logs on Monday. Hopefully, it will all arrive within a few days.

The weather doesn't look that good for next week so I am guessing that much of it will be spent in the workshop on spindles and railings. Until next weekend …...

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